As a teenager, I traveled with my family from Los Angeles to Tijuana, Mexico. Back then, I mistakenly believed that Tijuana was the entirety of Mexico. However, years later, my...
It’s the beginning of summer, and the desert heat wraps around us as we venture into the boiling Painted Canyon. Armed with our rooftop tent, we set off on an...
A year ago, I took an online course “The Search for Vernacular Architecture of Asia, Part1”, I really enjoyed this class which I learned “defining vernacular architecture and Threats in Asia to...
It’s the beginning of summer, and the desert heat wraps around us as we venture into the boiling Painted Canyon. Armed with our rooftop tent, we set off on an...
Cooking has never been my strong suit; it is more like a daily ordeal. The mere thought of stepping into the kitchen to create a meal from scratch used to...