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Exploring the Heart of Mexico: My Unforgettable Mexico City Trip

As a teenager, I traveled with my family from Los Angeles to Tijuana, Mexico. Back then, I mistakenly believed that Tijuana was the entirety of Mexico. However, years later, my...

Cooking Journey: How 'Julie & Julia' Sparked a Culinary Adventure Within Me

Cooking has never been my strong suit; it is more like a daily ordeal. The mere thought of stepping into the kitchen to create a meal from scratch used to...


今年剛好有機會參加這個盛事,不知道是否有機會能見到中華職棒樂天桃猿的專屬樂天啦啦隊!當然,最讓我期待的是大谷翔平。 我立刻問了我媽是否能幫忙買票。談到我媽,她真的是神通廣大,參加非常多的活動。下次我會好好介紹她自豪的經歷。

探索梅薩綠地國家公園: 美國西部印地安文化的瑰寶

Mesa Verde 國家公園是美國最獨特的國家公園之一,同時也是聯合國教科文組織認可的世界文化遺產。它位於科羅拉多州的Mesa 綠地高原上,是美國土著居民安薩茲人和皮納人(Anasazi Pueblo)的故居,被譽為西部印第安文化的標誌。

Pride in your local built environment

A year ago, I took an online course “The Search for Vernacular Architecture of Asia, Part1”, I really enjoyed this class which I learned “defining vernacular architecture and Threats in Asia to...